
How to Protect Your Pet During the Winter

How to Protect Your Pet During the Winter

Winter can be a dangerous time of year for all pets. Especially pets that are kept outdoors. Temperatures drop to below freezing and dangerous chemicals can harm or even kill pets. Everybody loves their pets and wants to keep them safe and comfortable so, here are a few helpful tips to protect your pets during the winter months. Keep Pets Warm Frostbite and hypothermia can be deadly for your furry friends and can happen quicker than you think. According to The Washington Post, anything below 25 degrees Fahrenheit can be life-threatening to a small, short-haired dog. Make sure to put...

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5 Household Items That Could Harm Your Pets

5 Household Items That Could Harm Your Pets

Everyone loves their pets, and we care for them carefully and extensively because of how much we love them. Sometimes, though, we slip up. And we might bring something into the house or leave something out in the open that could harm our pets. Here are 5 dangerous items to keep away from your feathered and furry friends, courtesy of The Humane Society and the ASPCA. Bleach - Pets can, like people, leave a trail of chaos behind them. And whether you're training a puppy or cleaning a mess made by a pet with a stomach ache, you might find...

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5 Tips For Dealing With Bullies

5 Tips For Dealing With Bullies

Aaah, a trip to the dog park. Sounds fun, right? But what if there is an ill-mannered dog who bullies and their human pack-member is clueless? Here's how to handle tricky canine social situations like a pro. No Bad Dogs: First of all, there are no bad dogs, just clueless human handlers. As soon as you recognize the signs that your own dog is uncomfortable (no tail wags or play bows), step in. With a firm "No" directed at the bully, along with a motion indicating it should move off, you communicate that your dog is off limits. Lead your...

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Boarding Tips & Tricks for Your Cat

Boarding Tips & Tricks for Your Cat

It is quite common for a pet owner to place their beloved pet in a boarding facility in order to eliminate worry over their animal's well-being while away on a trip. It is a responsible way to ensure that your animals are provided for, played with, and looked after while you are away and is most commonly an option taken by dog owners. But what about cats? There are actually many excellent, trustworthy facilities which accommodate the needs of both owner and their cat . With the right knowledge, you will be able to locate and choose the perfect boarding...

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